Did a wee drive around part of the country (HA! call it Lake Taupo and be done with it, so unusual to be somewhere that makes NZ look like a big place) and found the Tree of Life. Now I should know all the rationale behind the name, it's origin etc but I currently can't recall any of that info and my Bahrain Guide is in the car, I'm lounging on the couch waiting for Dave to Skype with vodka/apple juice at hand; and quite frankly can't be bothered walking that far so the origins of the Tree will have to wait till next post......
Anyhow here is a piccie of the tree and me plus few other tourists; really quite bizarre and a lot of people drive there, but fair call there are not many trees around and I say good on it for being alive out there in the sand. Who knows where it finds water to live? Actually let's be honest there are NO other trees around as far as the eye can see. So in it's own way it's pretty cool and I gave it a hug just because all trees need them but this one probably more so. Other quite exciting point was that it was on a slight rise, almost what you could call a hill, almost :-)
Don't believe it will make its mark on the global tourism scene quite like the Pyramids or the Great Wall but it was easy to find, no entry fee and no one selling souvenirs. I figured someone has to cotton on to that soon - perfect spot to sell t-shirts and postcards of the tree. I'm always keen a good postcard to send home - Callum would have loved it!! It was nice to see something outside the city, breaking free from the cafe scene.
Newsflash - it is raining here in Bahrain!! Yipppeee just walked outside to witness it for real, splashed a puddle and then came back indoors. Don't want too much excitement in one night.....or I'll never sleep and won't feel great when alarm beeps at 5am for work. On that note - night all I'm off to bed.